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上课时间和地点 |
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦
最近开课时间(周末班/连续班/晚班):2025年2月24日.................. |
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3、培训合格学员可享受免费推荐就业机会。 |
课程大纲 |
In this course, students learn the basic concepts of a data warehouse and study the issues involved in planning, designing, building, populating, and maintaining a successful data warehouse. Students learn to improve performance or manageability in a data warehouse using various Oracle Database features.
Students also learn the basics about Oracle’s Database partitioning architecture and identify the benefits of partitioning. Students review the benefits of parallel operations to reduce response time for data-intensive operations. Students learn about the extract, transform, and load of data phase (ETL) into an Oracle database warehouse. Students learn the basics about the benefits of using Oracle’s materialized views to improve the data warehouse performance. Students also learn at a high level how query rewrite can improve a query’s performance. Students review OLAP and Data Mining and identify some data warehouse implementations considerations.
Students briefly use some of the available data warehousing tools such as Oracle Warehouse Builder, Analytic Workspace Manager, and Oracle Application Express.
Learn To:
Define the terminology and explain basic concepts of data warehousing
Identify the technology and some of the tools from Oracle to implement a successful data warehouse
Describe methods and tools for extracting, transforming, and loading data
Identify some of the tools for accessing and analyzing warehouse data
Describe the benefits of partitioning, parallel operations, materialized views, and query rewrite in a data warehouse
Explain the implementation and organizational issues surrounding a data warehouse project
Application Developers
Data Warehouse Administrator
Data Warehouse Analyst
Data Warehouse Developer
Functional Implementer
Project Manager
Support Engineer
Course Objectives
Course Schedule
Course Pre-requisites and Suggested Pre-requisites
The sh and dm Sample Schemas and Appendices Used in the Course
Class Account Information
SQL Environments and Data Warehousing Tools Used in this Course
Oracle 11g Data Warehousing and SQL Documentation and Oracle By Examples
Continuing Your Education: Recommended Follow-Up Classes
Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, OLAP, and Data Mining
Data Warehouse Definition and Properties
Data Warehouses, Business Intelligence, Data Marts, and OLTP
Typical Data Warehouse Components
Warehouse Development Approaches
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL)
The Dimensional Model and Oracle OLAP
Oracle Data Mining
Defining Data Warehouse Concepts and Terminology
Data Warehouse Definition and Properties
Data Warehouse Versus OLTP
Data Warehouses Versus Data Marts
Typical Data Warehouse Components
Warehouse Development Approaches
Data Warehousing Process Components
Strategy Phase Deliverables
Introducing the Case Study: Roy Independent School District (RISD)
Business, Logical, Dimensional, and Physical Modeling
Data Warehouse Modeling Issues
Defining the Business Model
Defining the Logical Model
Defining the Dimensional Model
Defining the Physical Model: Star, Snowflake, and Third Normal Form
Fact and Dimension Tables Characteristics
Translating Business Dimensions into Dimension Tables
Translating Dimensional Model to Physical Model
Database Sizing, Storage, Performance, and Security Considerations
Database Sizing and Estimating and Validating the Database Size
Oracle Database Architectural Advantages
Data Partitioning
Optimizing Star Queries: Tuning Star Queries
Security in Data Warehouses
Oracle’s Strategy for Data Warehouse Security
The ETL Process: Extracting Data
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) Process
ETL: Tasks, Importance, and Cost
Extracting Data and Examining Data Sources
Mapping Data
Logical and Physical Extraction Methods
Extraction Techniques and Maintaining Extraction Metadata
Possible ETL Failures and Maintaining ETL Quality
Oracle’s ETL Tools: Oracle Warehouse Builder, SQL*Loader, and Data Pump
The ETL Process: Transforming Data
Remote and Onsite Staging Models
Data Anomalies
Transformation Routines
Transforming Data: Problems and Solutions
Quality Data: Importance and Benefits
Transformation Techniques and Tools
Maintaining Transformation Metadata
The ETL Process: Loading Data
Loading Data into the Warehouse
Transportation Using Flat Files, Distributed Systems, and Transportable Tablespaces
Data Refresh Models: Extract Processing Environment
Building the Loading Process
Data Granularity
Loading Techniques Provided by Oracle
Postprocessing of Loaded Data
Indexing and Sorting Data and Verifying Data Integrity
Refreshing the Warehouse Data
Developing a Refresh Strategy for Capturing Changed Data
User Requirements and Assistance
Load Window Requirements
Planning and Scheduling the Load Window
Capturing Changed Data for Refresh
Time- and Date-Stamping, Database triggers, and Database Logs
Applying the Changes to Data
Final Tasks
Materialized Views
Using Summaries to Improve Performance
Using Materialized Views for Summary Management
Types of Materialized Views
Build Modes and Refresh Modes
Query Rewrite: Overview
Cost-Based Query Rewrite Process
Working With Dimensions and Hierarchies
Leaving a Metadata Trail
Defining Warehouse Metadata
Metadata Users and Types
Examining Metadata: ETL Metadata
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading Metadata
Defining Metadata Goals and Intended Usage
Identifying Target Metadata Users and Choosing Metadata Tools and Techniques
Integrating Multiple Sets of Metadata
Managing Changes to Metadata
Data Warehouse Implementation Considerations
Project Management
Requirements Specification or Definition
Logical, Dimensional, and Physical Data Models
Data Warehouse Architecture
ETL, Reporting, and Security Considerations
Metadata Management
Testing the Implementation and Post Implementation Change Management
Some Useful Resources and White Papers